Totem, together with the clan system, came into being in the matriarchal clan period of primitive society; totem is the symbol of different marriage groups and clans. 它是在原始社会母系氏族时期与氏族制度一起形成的,图腾是不同婚姻集团和氏族的标志。
The mystery of totem art originates from the idea of totem worship. Its symbolic meaning underwent the evolution from the mysterious sense of primitive offering sacrifice to Gods and ancestors to the aesthetic form of art symbol. 图腾艺术的神秘性来自于图腾崇拜的观念,它的象征含义经历了由原始祭祀活动的神秘感到艺术符号的审美形式的发展演变。
Its symbolic meaning underwent the evolution from the mysterious sense of primitive offering sacrifice to Gods and ancestors to the aesthetic form of art symbol. 图腾观念最初是与原始祭祀活动联系在一起的,它直接传达了图腾所具有的神圣魔力。
Based on concept primitive symbol and sentence category of HNC, analyse the character of a new word combines a chinese character verb and other words, then sum up the rules of processing a chinese character verb. 以HNC理论的概念基元符号体系与句类体系为基础,探索分析了汉语中单字动词组合处理的特点及其句类特征,总结形成了处理规则。
First of all, through investigating human symbol development and primitive function of symbol activity, Susanne. 她首先论证了表现性符号与推理性符号具有同等重要的地位。她通过考察人类符号活动的最初发展和原始功能,证明表现性符号有着如同推理性符号一样的抽象功能。
In the primitive society of the Yi people, bamboo is initially the symbol of the female reproductive organ, meaning "child-born". 在彝族原始社会,竹首先是女性生殖器的象征物,并具有生儿女的女性意义;
The Chinese girded jade accouterment has surpassed their primitive sense of beauty and meaning of decoration and has the symbolic meaning of totem worship, power, position, status and property as well as the symbol of eximious personality and morality. 中国佩玉饰品已超脱了原始的美感和装饰意义,具有了图腾崇拜和宗教信仰的象征,还是权力、地位、身份、财富的象征,也是美好人格和品德的象征。
Create from the chart patterns, geometric pattern of cross stitch craft carrying the Huayao ethnic primitive symbol and totem belief. 从图纹形态创造而言,挑花工艺的几何图案承载着花瑶民族的原始符号和图腾信仰。
The symbol comes from totem in primitive society initially and developed into symbol of public communication, showing things 'characteristic and connotation. 标志最早来自原始社会的图腾,后作为大众传播符号,反映了事物的特色和内涵。
The history of illness is as long as human history, which has been a hot topic since ancient time. In the primitive society, illness was regarded as the symbol of the gods. 疾病同生命的历史一样久远,是个古老的话题。原始社会时期,疾病长期作为神的化身存在,代表着神灵对人的不满和惩罚。
The system of Li Yue, as a kind of minor form in primitive Yue Li culture, was the symbol that Chinese ancient times entered civilized society. 礼乐制度,作为原始乐礼文化的次生形态,是中国古代进入文明社会的标志。